Pop Science

Pop Science

As you can guess from the title, The First Three Minutes tells the story of the moments following the Big Bang. The early universe sets the stage for the development of the cosmos we observe today, and the Cosmic Microwave Background is a key link between the distant past and the present day.  

A Stitch in Time

A Stitch in Time

If you are trying to build a time machine, don't bother: even if we can design them, the universe makes it impossible for us (or anyone) to build them.

Up, Up and Away...

Up, Up and Away...

Balloon science is an often-neglected older cousin of rocket science and NASA's primary goal with this launch is to test a better balloon

Your Mileage May Vary

Your Mileage May Vary

Auckland's 2017 Bike Challenge winds up today; February may be the shortest month, but it is prime cycling season in Auckland, with decent weather and long evenings.